Utipro Plus AF Capsules (15)


For  the control and prevention of Urinary Tract Infections

  • Utipro Plus AF is intended for the control and prevention of urinary tract infections produced by pathogens such as E.Coli and other gram(-) bacteria normally involved  in the etiology of urological infections.
  • The compound, based on Xyloglucan (Hemicellulose) and Gelose, acts mechanically in the intestinal lumen, avoiding contact of the pathogens with the intestinal mucosa, which is the 1st step for their proliferation and subsequent passage to the urinary tract.
  • Utipro Plus AF is to be taken orally form the first appearance of symptoms of urinary tract disorders, with the aim of reducing the proliferation of pathogens that may degenerate into infections.
  • In the case of recurring infections, Utipro Plus AF is also intended for the prevention of new episodes, in which the proliferation of pathogens causes repeated UTIs.


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